Personalized Financial Planning for Widows

Life after loss often involves navigating numerous changes, including in your financial situation. We take the time to understand you, your history with your spouse, and what you want the next chapter of your life to look like. We are interested in your story and relationship so we can help create a path to your future.

Our primary focus is to make sure that you are going to be alright. This means that we’ll talk about you and your finances, including topics such as the income you will need, changes to your tax situation, and updates to your estate plan.

At Mercer Advisors, our experience with widows like you has taught us that a financial planning checklist, which we partner with you to create and carry out, can help relieve your concern about what to do next. Let us help you get started.

On Average, Women Live Six Years Longer Than Men

You’re not alone – given life expectancy, most women become widows at some point in their lives. 

Source: National Vital Statistics System, National Center for Health Statistics

5 Tax Tips for New Widows – and What not to Do

There are many questions that you and your wealth advisor should discuss after the loss of your spouse. As you think about filing taxes, you might be wondering, “When should I being filing a single return?” or “Can I file as a qualified widow?” Read on for our top tips on filing taxes as a widow. 

The Majority of Women Will Become Widows in Their Lifetime

Unfortunately, most women are likely to experience the financial implications of losing a spouse during their lifetimes. If you are in this position, Mercer Advisors can help. We’ll work together to create and carry out a plan for your future.

Widows statistic

Ready to create a path for your future?